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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
Why use Services?

Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

By My Own Heart & Hand
Home Funerals, Greening Death, Children & Deathing Rites

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition


DWENA/Deathcare Practitioners
National & Provincial

Resources &
Canada —

National & Provincial

Resources &
Directory in
Canada —

National & Provincial


U.S.A., U.K., etc.

Books & Movies

for Adults & Children

and Donations

Site Map

Articles & Updates




Blog & Archived
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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
Why use Services?

Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition

By My Own Heart & Hand
home funerals, Greening Death, Children, and Deathing Rites

DWENA/Deathcare Practitioners
National & Provincial

Resources &
Canada —

National & Provincial

Resources &
Directory in
Canada —

National & Provincial


U.S.A., U.K., etc.

Books & Movies

for Adults & Children

and Donations

Site Map

Articles & Updates

As pan-death alternatives are a very new development in Canada, we have only listed those which we are aware of.   We hope to be able to eventually provide links to specific information for each of the provinces and territories.   If you are aware of an alternative death-care service being offered in your area, please let us know — contact us via email.   Information on the actual pan-death process (what/when/where/how) is covered under the Post-death Care/Home Funerals page.

One of CINDEA's mandates is to bridge the gap between pre-death and post-death services services that are rarely directly connected.We recognize that we are reinforcing that gap by offering pre-death and post-death resources on separate pages of this site.However, it was necessary to avoid the Resources in Canada pages from becoming too long.We hope that you will consider both the pre-death and post-death pages when looking for resources to plan your end-of-life affairs.      We have a new page DWENA/Deathcare Practitioners Directory where you will find listings of Death Educators, Death Doulas, Home Funeral Guides, Funeral Celebrants and Death Midwifery/Pan-death Guides.

CINDEA has a new online and expanded training program within By My Own Heart and Hand that will go live on April 15, 2024.   It includes information and instructions on Home Funerals, Greening Death, Children and Death, and Deathing Rites.   You can find more information and updates on it on the Training page.

Table of Contents for Canadian Resources
(click on any of the headings or sub-headings below to jump to that section)

Advance Care Planning Resources (Advance/Health Directives and Representation/Proxy Agreements)
by Province and Territory
Dementia Information
  General Information
Canadian Studies on Dementia within the population
Bedside Singing and Music Thanatology
British Columbia   Ontario
Family Caregiving Resources
by Province and Territory
Hospice and Palliative Care Services


Suicide Support
CANADA and provinces
LGBTQ2+ End of Life Resources
  CANADA, Ontario, British Columbia
  Evolving Attitudes towards Deathing
Right to Die/MAiD
Organ and Tissue Donations (transplant or research)
by Provincial and Territory
Further EOL Advance Care Planning Resources
Other EOL Resources
  Canadian Will Kits or On-line
  Elder Law and Mediation Canada
  General Information for Seniors CANADA
  by Province and Territory
Ombudsperson and CARD resources for Seniors
  by Province and Territory

(For post-death resources, click here)

Pre/during Death

Advance Care Planning Resources primarily Advance/Personal Directives and Representation/Proxy Agreements, otherwise referred to as a 'living will' [Note: these two elements of Advance Care Planning are sometimes dealt with in the same document.   Individual province/territory listings below use their specific terminology.]


Canadian Centre for Elder Law — information on Advance Directives (legislation, etc.) for all provinces/territories
Speak Up Provincial /Territorial resources for Advance Care Planning [Note: Speak Up is connected to the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association]
End-of-Life Law and Policy in Canada — information on the withholding and withdrawal of potentially life-sustaining treatment, advance directives, palliative interventions (e.g., potentially life-shortening symptom relief and palliative sedation), assisted suicide, and euthanasia.
Quality End-of-life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC) a group of 35 national organizations dedicated to improving end-of-life care for all Canadians.
Virtual Hospice Health Care Directives
National Seniors Strategy including resources for each of the provinces/territories
Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association extensive written resources on Advance Care Planning
The Right to Make Choices concerns about use of Advance Care Planning for Developmentally Disabled (PDF) international, but quite useful
Canadian Nurses Protective Society on Consent for the Incapable Adult
CINDEA has a comprehensive Advance Directive/Expressd Wishes (personal care) form and Representation Agreement template available to death-care providers who are supporters of CINDEA contact us for information on the document (see also the CINDEA Advance Care Planning page for further information on both documents)

by Province and Territory [Note: although the legalistic language of the Public Trustee/Legal Guardian office can be somewhat confusing to the average person, they are included because they have a lot of information on Advance Care Planning issues although their focus is on situations where there is no Representative, Temporary Substitute Decision-maker and/or Power of Attorney available.   See certified Public Trustees across Canada.]


Understanding Personal Directives (PDF), Personal Directives Act,
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT), Advance Care Planning,
Decision making and advance planning, Advance Care Planning: Preparing for Your Future Healthcare , home and community care

British Columbia Advance Care Planning BC government, Doctors of BC Advance Directives, Incapacity Planning BC (Representative and PoA forms), and NIDUS's ACP information and forms, Home and Community Care,
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
Manitoba Health Care Directive and Proxy, home and community care,
The Public Trustee of Manitoba Vulnerable Adults
Newfoundland/Labrador Newfoundland Health, “It's Your Decision: How to Make an Advance Health Care Directive”, Substitute Decision Makers, home and community care
New Brunswick Power of Attorney for Personal Care and Attorney for Personal Care
Public Trustee of New Brunswick, home care, Care at Home and in our Communities
North West Territories Personal Directives, NWT Personal Directive form, Personal Directives Act (including Health Agent), home and community care, Office of the Public Guardian
Nova Scotia Personal Directives and Delegate and forms (both downloadable pdf), home and community care
Office of the Public Trustee
Nunavut No specific legislation yet general living will
see Rules of Court Probate and Administration Rules, Home and Community Care
Ontario ACE AdvocacyCentreElderly Library on Advance Directives and Power of Attorney for Personal Care, and Power of Attorney for Health care (both property and personal care), home and community care, and The Role of the Office of the Pubuic Guardian and Trustee (PDF)
Prince Edward Island Personal Care Directive and Proxy information and forms (PDF), home and community care
Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Quebec Incapacity Planning in Quebec – Protection Mandates and Powers of Attorney mandates in Anticipation of Incapacity and Mandatary, In case of incapacity: the protection mandate (PDF), Protection Mandates: Naming Someone to Act for You, Advance Medical Directives, home and community care,
Curateur Public Quebec
Saskatchewan Completing Your Own Advance Care Plan Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Regulations, home and community care,
Public Guardian and Trustee
Yukon Find decision-making and legal tools for adults, or Last resort substitute consent by care providers – form 5, Statement by a close friend before chosen as substitute deiciosn maker
Representation Agreement
, Representation Agreement form,
applying for adult guardianship, home and community care, Public Guardian/trustee
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

(return to top)

Dementia Information


General Information wide range of information on all dementia-related issues and services

Alzheimer Society of Canada, Provincial, Alzheimer Society offices (click on 'Change Your Society'), and Email for general information
Living the Dementia Journey
Dementia Guidelines
Different types of Dementia from Toronto Dementia Network or Alzheimer Society
Veterans Affairs Canada on Dementia and Alzheimer Disease

Canadian Studies on Dementia within the population

A Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Achieve - 2021 Annual Report and Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in Canada from Stats Canada
Rising Tide: The Impact of Dementia in Canada (PDF) by the Alzheimer Society January 2009

(return to top)


Bedside Singing and Music Thanatology vocal or instrumental music, specifically suited to supporting the person (and their families/friends) through a serious illness or the dying process

Music Thanatology


CAMT — Canadian Association for Music Therapy (unclear if they support Music Thanatology — music used specifically to support the dying — although some music therapists do work in hospice situations)
MTAI — Music Thanatology Association International
Threshold choirs in Canada (see at bottom of screen) Bedside Singing

Bedside Singing Resources — using mostly a capella songs to support those who are seriously ill or dying (see Threshold choirs above as well)

British Columbia

En~chanting Beyond Victoria — supporting the two major life-passages of dying and giving birth.For more information or a Bedside Singing visit, contact Pashta MaryMoon at Tel: (250) 383-4065 or Email:contact@beyonds.ca
Victoria Hospice Bedside Singers — Victoria — serving the Hospice Unit and Oncology Unit at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, B.C. (see bottom of page) Email: bedsidesingers@shaw.ca


Hospice Peterborough — Peterborough — developing a Bedside Singing group in Peterborough, Ontario Attention: Jan Sterling-Twist at Tel: (705) 742-4042 Email: admin@hospicepeterborough.org
Encircle: Soulful Singing at the Bedside Kingston a developing group.    Contact Aileen Stewart at Email

(return to top)

Hospice and Palliative Care Services — medical 'comfort care' and other services, from terminal diagnosis through to active dying and death


Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association — including Directory of Hospice Palliative Care Services list of national and provincial organizations; as well as excellent, comprehensive resources on end-of-life issues, including.   
Canadian Virtual Hospice — includes Advance Care Planning/Decision-making for different provinces/territories (several pages of resources — look for those for your province/territory); Living Well; Planning Well (downloadable PDF); and 'Ask a Professional'.   Portail Palliatif (French version of Canadian Virtual Hospice)    There are also a wide variety of Discussion Forums (including in the French version of the site) a safe, supportive forum for patients and caregivers to share openly; and which are both managed by a community moderator, and supported by a clinical team of palliative care experts.
E-hospice (related to Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association) — palliative care news, views, and inspiration from around the world: you can register to have specific kinds of articles sent to you by email (see the 'categories' tab) as they are published
Quality 'end of life' care coalition of Canada The Way Forward initiative for all Canadians to realize the right to die with dignity, free of pain, and surrounded by their loved ones
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care information and directory for 9 countries, including all Canadian provinces and territories
National Cancer Institute - making choices about care excellent review on choices and services available (generally) for advanced cancer

(return to top)

Family Caregiving Resources

CANADA (French versions available)

The Family Caregiver (information for all provinces/territories) — as well as by disease (lower right of site page)
Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada (sponsored by VON) — information by province/territory (Caregiver Resources) and condition
Victoria Order of Nurses (VON) — by province
Canadian Caregiver Coalition — general information and advocacy
Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence — federal and provincial/territorial services
Canadian Home Care Association — general information and advocacy
Care-ring Voice Network — information, teleseminars, support in English and French
A Caregiver's Guide: A Handbook about End-of-Life Care by Canadian Virtual Hospice
Lotsa Helping Hands — an online way to develop communities of support for individual caregiving (or volunteer support) within your own area (Canada, U.S.A., and elsewhere)


by Province and Territory

Alberta Compass for Caregivers, Seniors Council-Caregiving, and Family Caregivers Network Alberta (see lower left side of page for specifics on this province/territory)
British Columbia Family Caregivers Network B.C. Caring for Seniors B.C.
Manitoba A Guide for the Caregiver and Resources for Caregivers
Newfoundland/Labrador Seniors Resource re Caregiving, Seniors NL Caregiving Resourses
New Brunswick

Family, Home and Community resources and More resources for caregivers, NB Gov't Caregivers' Guide

Northwest Territories The NWT Caregivers Guide (PDF)
Nova Scotia Caregivers Nova Scotia, Caregiver Benefits, Caregiving Where to Begin, and Caregiver, Family NS Health
Nunavut Family Caregivers Network is re-developing -- options for Nunavut coming
Ontario Ontario Caregiver Org, Ontario Caregiver Coalition and Ontario Gov't Seniors: for family and other caregivers
Prince Edward Island Taking care of caregivers, Caring for Aging Parents
Quebec Informal and family caregiver and Family and support for individuals
Saskatchewan Caregiver Information and Support
Yukon  Yukon Gov't Find resources for caregivers and Care for the Caregivers

(return to top)

Suicide Support

Helplines in Canada for suicide -- including different provinces, ages, and types of distress
Mental Health Commission on suicide prevention -- tools, support, etc.
Preventing suicide: Warning signs and how to help -- tools, support, etc.
Suicide prevention in Indigenous communities -- various links for support

LGBTQ2+ End-of-Life Resources

Canada End of Life Doula Association 2LGBTQ+ resources
Virtual Hospice 2LGBTQ+ resources
Egale and National Institute on Aging 2LGBTQ+ resources

Sage -- National Resource on LGBTQ+ Aging




Ontario Caregivers on 2sLGBTQ recources
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario 2SLGBTQ resources
British Columbia British Columbia LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

Evolving Attitudes towards Dying/Death


Elsewhere There are few organizations that are fully devoted to modern evolving attitudes towards the process and support of dying/death.   Although not Canadian, we recommend the following:

Life and Death Matters — information and online training in an evolving psychosocial and spiritual approach to death
star TalkDeath — its mission is to encourage positive and constructive conversations around death and dying.   Although our awareness of the issues and needs surrounding death is growing, it is still not considered appropriate “dinner table talk.
star The Order of the Good Death — U.S. based — information and videos (including "Ask a Mortican" YouTube videos) on concepts of death, especially appropriate to younger people
star Dying into Love — U.S. based — workshops and videos (some free) in evolving concepts of dying and death — related to Doorway into Light, recognizing death as a sacred and spiritual passage  
star Transitions Magazine — U.S.— regular issues on conscious, wholistic, and green approaches to the end of life
star Dying Matters U.K. videos and information for raising awareness of changing approaches to dying, death and bereavement
star GoodLife, GoodDeath, Good Grief U.K./Scotland online resources for supporting each other through death, dying and bereavement

(return to top)

Right to die/MAiD organizations working towards securing or protecting the rights of individuals to self-determination at the end of their lives


World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies founded in 1980, consists of 38 right to die organizations from 23 countries
  Member organizations (including for Canada and elsewhere)

Dying with Dignity (of Canada) A national organization dedicated to improving the quality of dying and expanding end-of-life choices in Canada includes related Canadian news and articles — 55 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 802, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1G8, CANADA; Tel: (416) 486-3998 or toll-free at 1-800-495-6156, Fax: (416) 486-5562, E-mail: info@dyingwithdignity.ca — contact them for information on local chapters of DWD.

MAiD Family Support compassionate, lived-experience support and connection to people helping a loved one who is considering or planning for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) or those who are grieving a loss due to MAiD.  Volunteer or wanting 1 to 1 peer support
star Right to Die Society of Canada 145 Macdonell Ave. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6R 2A4 Tel: (416) 535-0690 Toll-free: 1-866-535-0690 Email: info@righttodie.ca
star Bridge C-14 — Canada-wide online support for Death Journeyers and their familyfriends before and after a MAiD death support groups, workshops and resources


Association Québécoise pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité (AQDMD)

(return to top)

Organ and Tissue Donation (for transplant or research)


star Canadian Living Organ donation: What you need to know (resources for all provinces/territories)
star Canadian Organ and Tissue Donation and how register to become a donor in your province or territory
Canadian Association of Transplantation with a list of kinds of transplantable organs
Save Lives Tomorrow transplant preparation information
Estate Box Organ and full body donation information for all provinces
Canadian Institute for Health Information — FAQ on Organ Replacement use the search area to find information for your province
Canadian Funerals information on Body Donation (for research) in registered Medical Schools in Canada
AAMC Member Medical Schools in Canada

by Province and Territory

Alberta Organ Donation (HOPE program) , and Southern and Northern Alberta Organ and Tissue Donation Program, Alberta Organ and Tissue Donation Registry
British Columbia The BC Transplantation Support Network, and its Organ donation registry
Manitoba Manitoba Government on Organ Donation   and Transplant Manitoba
Newfoundland/Labrador Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP) Atlantic Canada, COVID Information for People who have had an Organ Transplant
how do I indicate m intent to donate (PDF)
New Brunswick Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP) Atlantic Canada, New Brunswick Organ Donation Program
Northwest Territories Organ Donation from Canadian Living Resources, FAQ on organ donation, and Organ/Tissue Donation
Nova Scotia Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP) Atlantic Canada, NS government links for organ donation issues/forms/etc.,
Nunavut Organ Donation from Canadian Living Resources and shares registry with Alberta
Ontario Ontario Government forms for organ donation, Trillium Gift of Life Network, and Be a Donor
Prince Edward Island Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP) Atlantic Canada, more information (PDF) , Tissue Donation Manual, and registering your intent to donate
Quebec Quebec Transplant (including pdf on information for 'living donors')
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan government Organ/Tissue Donation, Organ Donation Awareness Campaign, register intent to donate, and Organ and Tissue Transplants and Donations
Yukon Yukon government on Organ/Tissue Donation  

(return to top)

Further EOL (end-of-life) Advance Care Planning Resources


Speak Up information on 'end of life' planning in Canada, in connection with the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care association includes registry of services for each province/territory
    also Provincial /Territorial resources
Backgrounder: Government of Canada supports for seniors or French version — government website for a range of issues, including planning for end-of-life
Health Canada - Palliative Care or French version — including Palliative Care and end of life including provincial/territorial resourses
Long-Term Care Planning Network offering tools for both professionals and families on end-of-life planning through seminar series, web sites, newsletters, video series and print materials
Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies Elder Planning Counsellors certified members' list for all provinces/territories
Certified Professional Consultant on Aging   find a CPCA near you (fill in all of the boxes offered)
Record Me Now — the not-for-profit legacy app lets you make a lasting video legacy for yourself, your family and loved ones.   It is also good for life review.

(return to top)

Other EOL Resources

Will Kits (which do not require a lawyer)


List of Free Will and Templates in Canada 2025

star CanadaWills.ca — free on-line approval of will
Canadian Legal Wills — on-line approval of will
The Canadian Personal Will Kit — mailed Will and Testament, versions for each province
FormalWill.ca — on-line approval of will
JurisMedia — legal information for Quebec

Elder Law and Mediation CANADA

Canadian Centre for Elder Law Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada
The Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse — including What is Elder Abuse (see menu) and Elder Abuse Provincial and Territorial Networks
LawyerLocate.ca registry of Canadian Elder Law lawyers by city or province
Canadian-lawyers.ca — finding a lawyer by issue or province/territory (use the two boxes) — including Estate and Elder law
Elder Mediation Canada
Exploring the Role of Elder Mediation in the Prevention of Elder Abuse -- extensive informaton on elder Mediation

General Information for Seniors CANADA

Seniors' Care (Canadian Government) large range of articles

Provinces and Territories (governmental services and information)

Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Newfoundland & Labrador New Brunswick Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon


Ombudsperson on seniors' related issues or CARP (New Vision of Aging for Canada) and its provincial chapters (scroll down) support in dealing with problems related to any kind of organization/institution serving seniors [Note: not all provinces/territories have a specific division for seniors and/or people with disabilities: use 'search function' to find specific policy on seniors -- including provincial ombudspersons]

Provinces and Territories (ombudsperson or Carp services and information)

Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Newfoundland & Labrador New Brunswick Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia   Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon

(return to top)

Last updated June 2023    © CINDEA  (To use more than a brief extract, please contact us for permission.)