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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
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Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

By My Own Heart & Hand
Home Funerals, Greening Death, Children & Deathing Rites

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition


DWENA/Deathcare Practitioners
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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
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Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition

By My Own Heart & Hand
home funerals, Greening Death, Children, and Deathing Rites

DWENA/Deathcare Practitioners
National & Provincial

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As alternatives approaches to deathing* evolve, there are four major categories of practitioners Death Doulas, Home Funeral Guides, Celebrants, and Death Midwifery Practitioners or Pan-death Guides.   The last category includes all of the former three, thereby providing a continuum of support for the Death Journeyer and their family.  There are, of course, many other practitioners who contribute to alternative deathing practices; but there are too many of them to list here.   The primary four kinds of DWENA practitioners in your area will likely be able to recommend further practitioners.

As DWENA practitioners are a very new development in Canada, we have only listed those which we are aware of.We hope to be able to eventually provide links to all the available ones for each of the provinces and territories.If you are aware of an alternative death-care service being offered in your area, please let us know — contact us by email.   Information on the actual pan-deathing process (what/when/where/how) is covered under the Post-death Care/Home Funerals page.   (Note*: Deathing refers to the whole process before/during/after death, as a process — as a verb, rather than a noun)

Death Midwifery Practitioners or Pan-death Guides Death Doulas or Thanadoulas (including Death Educators)
    British Columbia   Ontario   Alberta   B.C.  Ontario  
Networks/Training   CANADA     Networks/Training CANADA
Post-deathcare and Home Funeral Guides Funeral Celebrants
   Alberta   British Columbia   Nova Scotia   Ontario   Saskatchewan   Alberta  British Columbia   Ontario  Quebec  Nova Scotia    Saskatchewan
    Networks/Training   CANADA     Networks/Training   CANADA
Home-funeral Friendly Funeral Homes BC   Ont

(A similar list of practitioners and resources outside of Canada is on the Resources Elsewhere page.)

cycle of life trees

Death Midwifery/Pan-deathing Care Guides

Death Midwifery offering direct and integrated support to Death Journeyers and their families from terminal diagnosis, through the whole continuum of the dying process, and to funeral/memorial and bereavement.

British Columbia

star Journeying Beyond Victoria Death Midwifery/Pan-death Guide and related services, including MAiD support.    Email or phone Pashta MaryMoon (250) 383-4065

InWholeness Surrey End-of-Embodiment Support (pan-deathcare: before, during, and after-death) including Advanced Care Planning, support/education through the final-arc-of-life stages, Funeral Celebrant Services, Grief Support Explorations: Astro Death Charts, Woven Stories, Re-membering Circles, and more. Contact Tricia Keith, Email, phone or text (604) 655-9210


star Deathcare Kingstonin Kingston — Offering practical, heart-centered planning and support for end-of-life, death, and family-directed funerals.    Contact Aileen Stewart Email: or (613)-539-3610.
star Dragonfly Collective Greater Toronto Area –– Deathcare Practitioner and Educator in Toronto and the GTA since 2007.   Support people and families with key decision making and navigating the system; designing personalized grief rituals; holding a funeral ceremony or celebration of life ceremony; experienced home funeral Guide; grief and bereavement support. Offers courses of all kinds.   Contact Judith McGill Email: or (416) 997-3311


CINDEA — Canadian Integrative Network for Death Education and Alternatives — see the Death Midwifery page for a description of the interchangeable roles of practitioner of death midwifery and pan-death guide, and the other services focusing on one specific facet of the pan-death processs (Death Doula, Home Funeral Gude, Funeral Celebrants, etc.)   Email: contact@cindea.ca

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Death Doulas or Thanadoulas (including Death Educators)
Primarily Pre/during Deathing Care

Death Doulas/Thanadoulas — focusing on the emotional and spiritual elements of the pan-death process. This section may also include those who refer to themselves as Death Educators, or other similiar terms.


Dying the Dream — Calgary, AB — End of Life Doula and Consultant compassionately supporting those approaching end of life from receipt of terminal diagnosis through to bereavement. Specializing in bedside vigils to the actively dying.   Contact Janet Pillay att Email or Call/Text 403-680-6441.

British Columbia


Journeying Beyond — Victoria Advance Care Planning consultant and services throughout the pan-death process (including home funerals and support in MAiD deaths).  Contact Pashta MaryMoon at Email: or phone (250) 383-4065; Skype or Zoom consultation also available

Vancouver Death Doula — Vancouver, BC — End of life doula services, including end-of-life companioning, grief work, self-advocacy, vigiling, and support with legacy work, memorial, and burial. In addition to working with clients of all ages and backgrounds, I specialize in work with marginalized and oppressed groups.    Contact Mono Brown at Email or call or text 604-449-8512
Karen Hendrickson, Take the Journey Maple Ridge, Lower Mainland — End of Life Doula, Educator and Consultant, Grief Support Facilitator, providing holistic and practical support through education, resources, advocacy, and conversation through all stages of EOL.   Contact Karen Hendrickson at  Email or by phone 604-614-6696
End of Life Alternatives — Kelowna and Okanagan Valley — Death doula offering comfort, support and preparation for your end of life journey.   Contact Jo-Anne Haun at Email or phone (250)215-6817


Barb Phillips — Cobourg — Thanadoula, offering pan-death education and support to families for advance-care planning, home funerals, and funeral celebrant services
star Jenn Chalifoux, Tree Rings Death Doula Home Support — Thunder Bay and district area— Death Doula, Personal Support Worker, and Home Funeral Guide.   End of life /or older age preparing and planning with options of pairing personal support work, caregiver respite and guided /or hands-on home funeral support.   Call / text Jenn, 807-626-9633 or Email

Death Doula Ottawa Ottawa Integrated End-of-Life care in the greater Ottawa area.   Providing emotional, psychological and spiritual support through knowledge sharing, and guidance through planning, vigiling, home funerals and grief. Contact Email: or Phone: 613-301-6704

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End of life/death Doula Networks or Organizations in Canada

Death Doula Network International (DDNI) — A Death Positive Network Offering Death Education, Connection, and End of Life Planning for Death Doulas and Others Too (including membership-based and free webinars), as well as an evolving directory of BC practitioners
End of Life Doula Association of Canada To promote high quality End of Life Care by setting the standard for the doula profession through membership and training based on need and recommendations made by the Ministry of Health, health authorities and outside agencies, and evolving directory
Death Doula Death Doula Course through Douglas College (in person and online) — 6 weeks part-time. You may also choose to complete this course in any time from 4 to 12 weeks
Institute of Traditional Medicine — Toronto Contemplative 'End of Life' care training (click on "Contemplative End of Life Care program' under 'Explore Our Programs in Detail Below', to get a pop-up page on basic details of the program)
Home Hospice Association’s Death Doula Certificate Program based in Etobicoke, Ontario
Association of Professions Career College Death Doula course — Calgary-based — online program
Ten Thousand Doors/Canadian Centre for End of Life Education & Supportive Services — Edmonton-based — online program
University of Vermont, End-of-Life Doulas online from Burlington, VT
Sacred Deathcare series of short pre-recorded workshops/classes — Calgary-based — online program

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Post-deathcare and Home Funeral Guides

At-Home Post-Death Care and Home Funeral Guides — 'home funerals' may involve keeping the body at home after death, or returning it there from a hospital, hospice or long-term care facility (which is legal in most provinces); washing/dressing/etc. the body; and having viewings/wakes/vigils at home, as an option to using a funeral home.     Some funeral homes are supportive of home funerals and will offer 'a la carte' services (usually transportation and paperwork): they are listed below.


End of Life Pathways — St. Albert — family-directed post-death care, and funeral alternatives.   Contact Sarah Wourms by Email or Phone (587) 290-4465

British Columbia


Journeying Beyond — Victoria death midwifery services offering pan-death (before, during and after death) education and support to families, including home funeral and funeral celebrant services, and support in a MAiD death: as well as advance-care planning consultation, particularly comprehensive Advance Directives and Representation Agreements.     Contact Pashta MaryMoon viaEmail or Phone (250) 383-4065 or text 778-967-2956 and Facebook page

star Moving Ceremonies — Victoria — funerals, 'celebrations of life', 'cremation witnessing', etc., as well as home funeral guidance and other death-related support services.   Contact Penny Allport via Email or phone 250.592.6400 (Cell) 604.803.4607
star  Daisy Deathcare — Comox Valley — Madeline Christie is a death companion with a focus on home funerals, pet loss, nature-based support, and grief rituals
Sacred Journey Pathways — New Westminister and area — home funerals, funeral celebrant, supporting families in child loss (including home funerals for them), and death education and support for children.    Contact Holly Milton online, Email or Phone (778) 709-9917
Salt Spring Island Home Funerals — Salt Spring Island — home funerals.   Contact Email or Phone (250) 537-0096
the Centre for Sacred Deathcare Victoria — funeral celebrant and educator, free introductory video lessons and for-pay courses   Contact Sarah Kerr via Email or Contact Page
  and friendly funeral homes/directors that are willing to offer 'a la carte' services (transportation, paperwork, provide casket, etc)
KORU cremation/burial/ceremony Vancouver — funeral home supportive of DIY/home funerals, as well as 'a la carte' services (transport of the body, etc.).    Contact KORU online, Email, or Phone Vancouver (604) 324-8285 or North Vancouver (604) 770-1471
ANORA cremation/burial/ceremony Coquitlam — funeral home supportive of DIY/home funerals, as well as 'a la carte' services (transport of the body, etc.).    Contact ANORA online, or Phone Coquitlam (604) 475-7322
Ancient Burials Aldergrove — supportive of DIY/home funerals (see 'a la carte' services for home funeral towards the bottom of the page) Contact Ancient Burials online or Phone 1-800-888-2806
Evergreen Cremation Centre Ladysmith/Vancouver Island — supportive of home funeral, as well as 'a la carte' services.    Contact Evergreen Email or Phone Nanaimo (250) 591-8426, Ladysmith (250) 924-8484, Duncan (250) 597-8484
Earth's Options Victoria — funeral home supportive of DIY/home funerals, as well as 'a la carte' services (transport of the body, etc.).    Contact Earth's Options online, Email or Phone (778) 440- 8500

Nova Scotia

Death Matters Halifax — home funeral guide and funeral ceremony services (including pre/post-death 'celebration of life') as well as spiritual and personal care directives and on-going support for 'exit planning', regular 'end of life'-related film night, Death Cafes and development of green burials — Deborah Luscomb and Dawn Carson are available via email or Phone (902) 403-7590


Funeral Alternatives — Hamilton offering education sessions and individual consultations re after-death care and home funerals, green funeral and burial options, Ontario regulations pertaining to after-death care and burial.  Rochelle Martin is available by phone or email for consultation Email or Phone: (905) 746-3074

Barb Phillips — Cobourg — thanadoula and life-cycle celebrant services offering pan-death education and support to families for advance-care planning, home funerals, and funeral celebrant services.   Barb Phillips is available by phone, email or Skype for consultation   Email or Phone (705) 924-3763
Brigid's Balm — Smith Falls — thanadoula providing spiritual and emotional support for individuals and their families with regard to end of life care, via Advance Care Planning, thanadoula, legacy, home funerals, and funeral/other celebrant support (as well as local Death Cafes)   Debbie Seddon is available by email consultations Email, and WordPress blog
The Soul Circle — Waterloo/Wellington — Advance Care Planning, death doula/thanadoula, legacy projects, home funerals, pan-death ceremonies, grief support and a variety of 'energy therapies'.   Contact Krista Brenner at Email or Phone (519) 591-0494 (Call or Text)
End of Life Navigation London Pre and Post-death care support and education.    Contact Shannon Calvert via Email or Phone (519) 494-8851
Death Doula Ottawa Ottawa caregiver support circles, Advance Care Planning, legacy work, vigilling, home funeral guidance, and grief support.   Contact Christiane Zeithammel, Lisa Rhoades, Debbie Charboneau, or Joey Ward via Online
Tree Rings Death Doula Home Support — Thunder Bay and district area— Death Doula, Personal Support Worker, and Home Funeral Guide.   End of life /or older age preparing and planning with options of pairing personal support work, caregiver respite and guided /or hands-on home funeral support.   Call / text Jenn Chalifoux, 807-626-9633 or Email
  and friendly funeral homes/directors that are willing to offer 'a la carte' services (transportation, paperwork, provide casket, etc)
star Circle of Life Dundas Ontario — Contact Circle of Life via Phone (905) 628-8558 or Fax (905) 628-0404



CINDEA 'By My Own Heart and Hand' — Canada — online training program in Home Funerals, Greening Death, Deathing Rites, Children and Death, and Communities of Grieving

Barb Phillips — Cobourg — thanadoula and life-cycle celebrant services offering pan-death education and support to families for advance-care planning, home funerals, and funeral celebrant services.   Barb Phillips is available by phone, email or Skype for consultation   Email or Phone (705) 924-3763

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Celebration of Life/Funeral/Memorial Celebrants

Funeral Celebrants — provide a funeral, memorial or celebration-of-life service that is highly personalized, to honour the personality, lifestyle and beliefs of the person who died   [Note: many pan-death guides and home funeral guides also offer funeral celebrant services as part of their pan-death services.]


Anam Care Soul Services — Airdrie — end-of-life planning, death doula and funeral celebrant.    Conact Daria Skibington-Roffel Email or Phone (403) 837-3078

British Columbia


Journeying Beyond — Victoria death midwifery and Advance-care Planning services, including personalized funeral/memorial services.   Contact Pashta MaryMoon via Email or Phone (250) 383-4065 or text 778-967-2956; Skype or Zoom consultation also available; Facebook page

Moving Ceremonies — Victoria — funerals, 'celebrations of life', 'cremation witnessing', etc., as well as home funeral guidance and other death-related support services.   Contact Penny Allport at Email or phone (250) 592-6400(Cell) (604) 803-4607
Sacred Journey Pathways — New Westminister and area — home funerals, funeral celebrant, supporting families in child loss (including home funerals for them), and death education and support for children.    Contact Holly Milton online, Email or Phone (778) 709-9917
Healing Through Ceremony Gabriola Island — End of Life Funeral and Grieving ceremonies (and other rites of passage) — healing-focused counselling, as well as a knowledge of the practicalities of a home funeral.   Contact Michele Fire-River Heart at online
Life Celebrant BC Richmond — funeral celebrant (including final blessing when the body is still home), scattering ceremonies, etc.    Contact Kimberley Evans by Email or Phone (604) 603-5540
New Narrative Memorials Vancouver — help families create personalized and meaningful Celebrations of Life on their own terms.  Contact Christina Andreola by Email or Phone / Text: +1 (778) 960 8782
The Centre for Sacred Deathcare Victoria — funeral celebrant and educator, free introductory video lessons and for-pay courses Sarah Kerr Email or Contact Page



Ready or Not Ottawa city and valley — life-cycle celebrant specializing in funerals/ end-of-life celebrations/ memorials — one-of-a-kind, personalized, memorable ceremonies.   Contact Julie Keon Email or Phone (613) 646-9912

Barb Phillips — Cobourg — Thanadoula and life-cycle celebrant services offering pan-death education and support to families for Advance-care Planning, home funerals, and funeral celebrant services.   Barb Phillips is available for consultation by Email or Phone (705) 924-3763
Funeral Alternatives — Hamilton 'End of Life' and home funeral guide services supporting families before, during, and after a death; and in saying good-bye, in whatever ways they find most meaningful.   Rochelle Martin is available by phone or email for consultation  Email or Phone (905) 746-3074 and Facebook page
Divine Heart Centre — Aurora/York — Sacred Ceremony for End of Life transition and spiritual last rites, Celebration of Life, memorials, funerals, and interment; as well as pastoral and spiritual care for bereavement.    Tracy Cox is available by phone or email for consultation Email or phone (289) 879-0177
Thresholds of Life — Carleton Place — life celebrant offering healing and memorial ceremonies Including: celebrations of life, funerals and memorials, loss of baby in utero, and stillbirth and early infant death, as well as other 'loss' ceremonies.    Patti Koeslag is available by phone or email for consultation Email or Phone (613) 699-2153 (h) or (613) 809-7115 (c)
Woven Threads – Handcrafted Ceremonies — Guelph — life-cycle celebrant creating meaningful, custom, secular or spiritual funerals, memorials, and celebrations of life as well as pre-death ritual support.   Contact Christine Lafazanos by Email or Phone/text at 519-823-0038 and Facebook Page
The Soul Circle — Waterloo/Wellington — Advance Care Planning, death doula/thanadoula, legacy projects, home funerals, pan-death ceremonies, grief support and a variety of 'energy therapies'.   Contact Krista Brenner at Email or Phone (519) 591-0494 (Call or Text)


Lorraine Cowan — South Shore of Montreal and surrounding areas — life cycle celebrant offering custom and personal end of life ceremonies and rituals including: celebrations of life, funerals and memorials, miscarriage, stillbirth, early infant death, ash scattering, interment as well as pet and other loss ceremonies.   Service includes accompanying bereaved to register the death with a funeral director as required by Quebec law.   Contact Lorraine Cowan by Email or by Phone (450) 659-2603.
Voluntas Commemorations — Montreal creative alternative to traditional funeral services, and offering aquamation Contact by Email, online or by phone 514-695-7979

Nova Scotia

Death Matters Halifax — home funeral guide and funeral ceremony services (including pre/post-death 'celebration of life') as well as spiritual and personal care directives and on-going support for 'exit planning', regular 'end of life'-related film night, Death Cafes and development of green burials — Deborah Luscomb and Dawn Carson are available via email or Phone (902) 403-7590


Karla Combres — Saskatoon and area — multilingual life-cycle celebrant, creating and performing custom ceremonies for the milestones of life.   Specializes in personalized, meaningful funerals, memorials, celebrations of life (pre- and post-death), home funerals, and other observances of loss.   Karla Combres is available by phone or email for consultation.   Email or Phone (306) 491-9176 and Facebook Page.



Canadian Funerals On-line — general information on funeral celebrants, low-cost funerals, home funerals, etc.
Celebrant Foundation and Institute/Natural Transitions — for listings of Funeral (and other) Celebrants in Canada and U.S.
Certified Celebrants Association of Canada — listings of funeral celebrants, primarily for those available in Ontario but in other provinces as well

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Last updated June 2023    © CINDEA  (To use more than a brief extract, please contact us for permission.)