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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
Why use Services?

Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

By My Own Heart & Hand
Home Funerals, Greening Death, Children & Deathing Rites

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition


Resources &
Canada —

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U.S.A., U.K., etc.

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Search this Site
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Pan-Death Movement
Definitions, Values,
DJ's Rights, 7 Stages,
Alternative Providers,
Why use Services?

Death Midwifery
Web of Facets,
Advantages of a DM,
Philosophy in Practice

Advance Care
Final Affairs,
Advance Directives & Representation/Proxy,

Post-Death Care and Home Funerals
Why Consider It,
Basics, Videos,
Physical Care,

6 Shroud Patterns,
DJ's Remains

Greening Death
Various forms of
ecological disposition

By My Own Heart & Hand
home funerals, Greening Death, Children, and Deathing Rites

Resources &
Canada —

National & Provincial

Resources &
Directory in
Canada —

National & Provincial


U.S.A., U.K., etc.

Books & Movies

for Adults & Children

and Donations

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Articles & Updates

These resources are from the United States, Britain and elsewhere.   They are included so that our readers may explore the pan-death movement, and alternatives to conventional practice, beyond Canada.

Table of Contents for Resources Elsewhere

(click on any of the headings or sub-headings below to jump to that section)

Throughout the pan-death process
Death Midwifery and related services
    General (directories)
Pre-/during death
Music Thanatology
Bedside Singing
    U.K.    New Zealand     U.S.A.
Hospice and Palliative Care
    World-Wide U.K.U.S.A.
Death Doulas/Thanadoulas/similar roles and training
    Australia    Netherlands      Scotland         U.K.          U.S.A.
General Pan-Death Care
  Resources on Natural Dying and Death processes
  World-wide     Australia       Scotland        South Africa         U.K.    U.S.A.
Post-Death Care Providers
Home Funeral Guides (directories for U.S.A. and U.K.)
Training for Home Funeral Guides
    Australia      U.K.U.S.A.
Further information on Post-death
Information on Post-Death Care
Funeral Celebrants
Green Burial
    Green Burial General Information
Green Burial Cemeteries
Other Green Options for Remains
Bio-degradable coffins and shrouds (including making your own)
    ItalyNew ZealandU.K.U.S.A.

(For Canadian pre-death resources, click here: for Canadian post-death resources, click here)


Practitioners of Death Midwifery, Death Doulas, Home Funeral Guides, and related services     Each site offers resource information on natural death processes, funeral/memorial services, green burials, etc.    Some services only include post-death care/support, so you will need to check out individual providers.


National Home Funeral Alliance new alliance of home funeral (and death midwifery) organizations providing advocacy on the value of home funerals, green burials, etc., including member directory

Death Midwifery LiveJournal — articles, discussion, etc. for those interested in developing death midwifery options.
Passing Through Our Hands A documentary style video showing how families can care for their own loved ones when they die at home, by Donna Belk (Texas)
Natural Death Care Centre — an incorporated association and a registered charity located in the Byron Shire, Northern NSW, Australia — offering pan-death 'death walker' training (equal to a death midwife)

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General Pan-Death Care

Resources on Natural Deathing processes (including 'right to die' resources)


The International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement The IWG, a non-profit organization, supports leaders in the field of deathing and bereavement in their efforts to stimulate and enhance innovative ideas, research, and practice.   Vision statement: A world where deathing and bereavement are an open part of all cultures

World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies founded in 1980, consists of 38 right-to-die organisations from 23 countries (including Canada and elsewhere)
Death Cafe gatherings for conversation on a variety of 'deathing' topics (see map for how the Death Cafes are spreading across the world, including Canada)


Australian Doula College includes End-of-Life Doula training

Natural Death Care Centre — an incorporated association and a registered charity located in the Byron Shire, Northern NSW, Australia — offering pan-death 'death walker' training (equal to a practitioner of death midwifery)
End-of-Life Doula Directory

South Africa

Final Fling South Africa excellent website on all aspects of deathing (including pre- and post-death elements), and finding support for a personalized death journey and friends experience


Final Fling: Alternative funerals, green and DIY (home) funerals page includes links to further information


Natural Death Centre (U.K.) "lifting the lid on dying and funerals", one of the oldest organizations in the world addressing alternative death care and options.

  Links to similar resources in the UK, Canada and U.S.A (towards the bottom)
Natural Death Handbook (U.K.) to order the new 4th edition
'More to Death' online magazine on natural death issues (see left side for editions)

Dying Matters coalition — information, regular newsletter and events on the development of death care in the U.K.; as well as a list of member organizations.   See also the Find Me Help section finding local help and support for people in the last years of life.

GoodLife,GoodDeath, GoodGrief focused on making Scotland a place where people can be open about deathing and bereavement, including resources in Scotland, and further ideas.



National Home Funeral Alliance (NHFA) articles, discussion, etc. for those interested in developing death midwifery and home funeral options.
Funeral Consumer Alliance Josh Slocum, executive director, info@funerals.org providing education and advocacy to consumers nationwide and not affiliated with the funeral industry (Josh is co-author of the book "Final Rights: Reclaiming the American Way of Death").
Dying into Love — website of free and paid videos focused on 'conscious dying', or 'personal healing while dying' (vidoes by Ram Dass, Joan Halifax, Dale Borglum, Bodhi Be, and others as well as articles, mediations, etc.)
End of Life University — website of interviews with practitioners across the pan-death (and seniors' issues) spectrum, including several Canadians

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Pre-/during death

Music Thanatology a particular kind of music (sung or instrumental) to aid in the process of a peaceful death


Music Thanatology Association International overview of music thanatology, and including a list of associates world-wide (use search box for Canadian associates)

(return to top)


Bedside Singing a variant of music thanatology, that only uses voice and usually done by hospice/etc. volunteers (although may be used with birthing mothers as well as dying people).


Threshold Choir Sussex see Threshold Choir locations or Email

New Zealand

Full Circle Singers New Zealand


Threshold Choirs listing for choirs in various states in the U.S.A., plus one in Canada, and the U.K.   Email

Journey Songs Maryland sponsored by the First Unitarian Society of Newton, MA 02465 — Boston Area Hospice Choir, contact Cindy Mapes, Email choir director for more information or nurse-liaison, to arrange a visit
Hollowell Vermont songs for Hospice and Healing in Southeastern Vermont area and serving Brattleboro Area Hospice Tel: Kathy Leo @ 802-463-4563 Email

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Hospice and Palliative Care Services

World-wide Directories and Organizations

Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance information and members list of present hospice organizations throughout the world listings for palliative care associations around the world (see at bottom download members list)

International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care promoting hospice & palliative care worldwide

International Children's Palliative Care Network working towards the rights of children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families to receive the best quality of life and care regardless of which country they live in


Hospice UK including information on hospices in the UK (see Hospice care finder)

Conversation Starter Kit Pediatric Starter Kit: Having the Conversation with Your Seriously Ill Child (PDF)


DMOZ directory of Hospices search function for individual states, as well as pediatric palliative care

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Death Doulas/Thanadoulas/similar roles and training [Note: both may offer full pan-death services, but many focus on the pre-death stage.]


Natural Death Care Centre — an incorporated association and a registered charity located in the Byron Shire, Northern NSW, Australia — offering pan-death 'death walker' training (equal to a practitioner of death midwifery)

Jumave Facebook page — North-West Coast of Tasmania — full range of pan-death services (equal to a pan-death guide) Phone: 0407 427 575   Email
Care Beyond Cure Inc. Compassionate Communities Cradle Coast — wide range of initiatives and resources


Jolanda Hijmans Uitvaartverzorging — death doula and teacher (unfortunately, the website is in Dutch, so we can't tell you any more about its servces).


Living/Dying Well Death Doula training — three levels of training available; courses take place in Barcombe, near Lewes, East Sussex:   contact about the training


Soul Midwives Foundation including a registry of trained soul midwives and training courses    Email


National End-of-Life Doula Alliance — offers certificate of proficiency (although this is not yet a 'third-party' and regulated certification) current news on development

National Professional End of Life Doula Certification from the University of Vermont — intended for those who wish to work in hospice and healthcare institutions
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization HPCO Committees and Councils now includes an end-of-life doula council
International End of Life Doula Association including End-of-Life doula training, hospice doula training and their doula directory
Certified Care Doula School— Texas — free initial death doula training
International Doulagivers Institute, often offers free initial death doula training, as well as full training programs

The Doula Program to Accompany and Comfort — New York — death doula training

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Home Funeral Guides (providing post-death support and guidance, although possibly pan-death care)

Home Funeral Alliance with a directory of providers (primarily U.S.A. and Canadian)
Funeral Consumers Alliance and local chapters
The Natural End Map connecting families with funeral directors, cemeteries and service providers offering simpler, more natural end-of-life options (including Canadians)

Training for Home Funeral Guides and related care (Note: there is no standardization of training)


Natural Death Care Centre — an incorporated association and a registered charity located in the Byron Shire, Northern NSW, Australia — offering pan-death 'death walker' training (equal to a practitioner of death midwifery)


Soul Midwife Training information on their training program

LifeRites — providing funeral celebrants, and guidance on post-death care at home
Dying Consciously Program/Teachers directory of teachers in the U.K



Final Passages — Sebastopol, CA — training in home funeral guiding internationally, handbook available

A Sacred Passage — Bellingham, WA — training in home funerals, presentations, etc. in Washington and Oregon
Center for End of Life Transitions Asheville, NC training in 'end of life' initiatives and home funerals
A Sacred Moment — Seattle, WA — half-day, full-day, or weekend event trainings can be arranged
The Dying Year — Ann Arbor, MI — home funeral guide training
Redesigning the end home funeral guide training and free initial course
Crossings: Caring for Our Own at Death Takoma Park, MD one-day workshops in various places in the country
Center for End of Life Transitions Asheville, NC — Home Funeral & Death Care Midwife Training
In the Circle of Life — various kinds of death related trainings, including death doula, home funerals and green burials
Dying Consciously Program teacher training, and directory of teachers in the U.S., as well as Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, and the U.K.

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Information on Post-Death Care

CINDEA Home/Family-led Funerals basic information PDFs on General Timeline (what to do when), post-deathcare and 'how to' videos

Natural Transition How to have a Home Funeral — YouTube video overview of a home funeral
Washing the body YouTube video, thanks to Beyond Hospice [Note: Muslims also have several YouTube videos on washing and shrouding the body]
Moving the Body YouTube video, thanks to Beyond Hospice
Shrouding the body Thanks to Immarama

How to wrap a body in a burial shroud for natural burial thanks to AskingLot

ComfortDying website with extensive information on end-of-life, death and dying (including a long list of books on the subject)

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Funeral Celebrants


Funeral Celebrants Association Australia Incorporated directory of celebrants


Funeral Celebrants Directory — search for celebrants in your area

LifeRites — providing funeral celebrants, and guidance on post-death care at home

Dead Good Guides offer funeral celebrant (and other) services, including rites of passage training

The Good Funeral Guide independent, not-for-profit consumer advice and advocacy service, including home funerals


Finding A Celebrant hosted by In-sight Books, Inc — gives names, contact info and short bios for funeral celebrants in 5 countries (and by province or state).   Many are funeral directors, but may have additional training in personalization of funeral/memorial services.

The Celebrant Directory locator for funeral celebrants in various countries and provinces/states/regions

Celebrant Foundation and Institute locator for funeral (and other) celebrants in Canada and U.S.A.   Check also their celebrants site for funeral celebrants.

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Green Burial


Natural burial overview in Wikipedia

Funeral Consumers Alliance a nonprofit organization, dedicated to protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral, with directories for Green Burials and Family-directed/Home Funerals

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Green/Natural Burial Cemeteries


Gathered Here information on green cemeteries and products in Australia

Funeral Celebrants — planning a green funeral
Swanborough Funerals — list of green cemeteries


Woodbrook Natural Burial Ground — information on new green burial ground in Ireland


Natural Death Centre extensive resources for U.K., Canada and U.S A

The Association of Natural Burial Grounds list of natural burial grounds in the U.K. and directory of celebrants
The Association of Green Funeral Directors supporting the public to find greener options, and funeral homes to offer them — directory
Natural Green Burials — Scotland — ecologically-friendly, affordable, personalised funerals and green burial grounds


Green Burial Council developing eco-friendly end-of-life rituals, protecting the legitimate benefits of environmentally sustainable deathcare, and using burial as a means of acquiring, restoring, and stewarding natural areas registery of approved funeral providers, cemeteries, and cremation disposition programs for the U.S. and Canada

Cemetery Group — information about green burials and listings for locations in the U.S.A., and including multiple home videos of home funerals

Forest of Memories — 'Nature preserves providing cemetery functions, not cemeteries working hard to be greener', and Memorial Ecosystems 113 Retreat Street, Westminster, SC 29693, USA Tel: (864) 647 7798 Fax: 864 647 7796.
North American Woodland Burial Society society directed at furthering woodland burials in the US.and elsewhere
P.O.V. re "A Family Understaking" — film on home funerals, and various other natural burial issues — discussion guide/etc. on film under 'Take Action' (left side menu)

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Other Green Options for Remains [Note: The first facilities for promession-based funerals, known as Promatoria, are due to be ready in 2011. They will be located in Sweden, Great Britain & South Korea.   We know of no promession facilities planned for the U.S.A. at this time.   See U.S.A. section below for first resomation options in U.S.A. and the only outdoor cremation pyre.]



Your Funeral Guy — info on green burial development and Aquamation
Resomation Ltd — information on how resomation works (U.K. company)
U.S. Funerals On-line information on outdoor cremation pyres


Resomation Ltd — information on how resomation works (U.K. company) and where is Resomation/Aquamation permitted (US and Canada)

Promession information on how it works (Note: we have not yet found any crematorium that uses it in the U.K. — please check the website regularly for further news)


Green cremation via alkaline hydrolysis (resomation)

US Funerals on Aquamation and YouTube video on Aquamation
Aquamation — U.S.A. distributor for resomation machinery
Crestone End of Life Project includes the only U.S.A. Outdoor Cremation Pyre, as well as offering support for family-based post-death care
Golden Gate Burial Services — California — full-body burial at sea

New England Burials At Sea — east coast U.S.A. — full-body burial at sea (including FAQs about full-body burial in the U.S.A.)

The Urban Death Project/Recomposition Seattle, WA) — a new, developing project to collectively compost final remains which is possible to do within an urban environment (where it is not possible to create new burial grounds), and return the composted remains to family and community gardens, parks, etc. Formallly called 'natural organic reduction'. How it works Human composting is legal in Washington, Colorado, and Oregon.
Return Home Auburn, WA — Terramation, also called Natural Organic Reduction, available to Canadians as well
Earth Funeral — Auburn WA and Portland OR — soil reduction (same as Resomation and Terramation) and full funeral services

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Bio-degradable coffins and shrouds


Capsula Mundi — information on egg-shaped containers, made from corn and potato starch — in which the body is put in a fetal position, put in a green burial grave and tree planted overtop; also working on legislation to be able to use them in Italy

New Zealand

Natural Funeral Company Eco-Weave casket (from bamboo) and other products 71 Colin Shaw Lane, Ponsonby 1011, Auckland


Eco-pod moulded (mummy-like shape) by hand from recycled newspapers

The Cardboard Coffin Company — cardboard caskets and coffins, 100% biodegradable and 70% recycled materials — design/paint-able, but some with beautiful designed paper coverings as well (see bottom of page)
Compare the coffin — eco-cardboard caskets with designs
Creative Coffins — eco-cardboard caskets with designs
Greenfield Creations Ltd — painted designs on cardboard coffins
Natural Legacy — woolen coffins and ashes caskets
Earth to Heaven — hand made willow, bamboo, seagrass coffins, baskets and urns.
A Sacred Moment   — a variety of eco-caskets and urns
Natural Grace Funerals Eco-caskets


Last Things: Alternatives at the End of Life blueprints and instructions on-line for making your own coffin
The Natural Burial Products coffins catalogue, shipped directly to clients in U.S.A. or Canada,
The Natural Burial Company How to Buy information on ordering, shipping, etc. and The Natural End Map of green-friendly funeral homes
KINKARACO green burial products including shrouds
Vale Shrouds ecological hand-made shrouds for green burial or cremation, and for pets — can be customized

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Last updated June 2023    © CINDEA  (To use more than a brief extract, please contact us for permission.)